This is the story of a dance troupe that nursed the dream of being up at the top along with those American cheerleaders that the French call Pom Pom Girls. They came from Paris and its suburbs and they were fighters. They had it all: originality, freshness, courage, they were different and they were chic. Until hip hop and streetdance knocked down the pompons with its bass line. Their fresh and sportive charm disappeared in favour of piercings and tatoos, and the girls weren’t dreaming of American athletes anymore, but of French rappers instead. And then the pompons were gone with the wind.
C’est l’histoire d’une troupe de danseuses qui rêvaient d’égaler les pom-pom-girls américaines. Elles venaient de Paris et de sa banlieue et se démenaient comme des lionnes. Elles avaient tout, l’originalité, la fraîcheur, le courage, le chic, la différence. Jusqu’à ce que hip-hop et streetdance, à grands coup de basse, fassent tomber les pompons. Le charme frais et sportif disparut au profit des piercings et tatouages, et les danseuses ne rêvèrent plus d’athlètes américains mais de rappeurs français. Gone with the wind, les pompons !
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