Child of the corn

Zeno, Belgian Ardennes, 1999.
Zeno, Belgian Ardennes, 1999.

One cold murky early morning as I was dropping off my eight-year-old son at his camp, we noticed that we were walking along a field of harvested corn. It reminded us of the horror movie “Children of the Corn”, based on Stephen King’s short story. I took out my camera and asked Zeno to give me a worrying look. He stepped up to me and made this face while letting rip a screech worthy of Jurassic Park. The photo’s good, but he really scared the pants off me.

En déposant mon fils de huit ans à son camp louveteau par un petit matin glauque, nous longeâmes un champ de maïs coupé. Ça nous rappela “Les Enfants du maïs”, le film d’épouvante tiré de la nouvelle de Stephen King. Je brandis l’appareil et demandai à Zeno de prendre une expression inquiétante. Il s’approcha et fit cette grimace en émettant un cri rauque digne de Jurassic Park. La photo est bonne, mais il m’a vraiment flanqué la trouille.

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