From Comics to Art

Michel Vaillant Art Strips, Brussels, June 3rd 2015.
Michel Vaillant Art Strips, Brussels, June 3rd 2015.

My old man too lived by images. His media was comic strips –well, graphic novels, as it was more realistic than comic. He never considered himself an artist, but just a storyteller, and an illustrator of the world of motorsports. In order to be published in comic books, his artwork was scaled down. What a shame. Today, we’re trying the opposite. Blow them up. The result is amazing, and his talent is now roaring. Vrooaaw !

Mon père, lui aussi, vécut par l’image. Son mode d’expression à lui, c’était la bande dessinée. Il ne s’est jamais considéré comme un artiste. Plutôt comme un artisan conteur, l’illustrateur du monde du sport automobile. Pour être publié en albums, ses dessins étaient réduits. Quel dommage. Aujourd’hui, on a essayé l’inverse. Le résultat est stupéfiant. Et son talent explose. Vrooaaarr !

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