Matou maté

Girl with cat, Brussels, 2013.
Girl with cat, Brussels, 2013.

Tomcat teased Pussy. Pussy coaxed tomcat. Tomcat pawed Pussy. So she scooped up that tomcat by the scruff of his neck, and did squeeze’em and squash’em, poor kitty tween’er titties. Tomcat escaped but scratched her, quickly regretting the gesture. And so she’d aquit’em, tomcat did lick’em. Pussy sure purred, and picked up her tomcat, softly canoodling. Bamboozled, tomcat!

Matou tenta chatte. Chatte appela matou, matou mis patte à chatte. Chatte happa matou par le cou, sur ses roploplos l’oppressa. Matou s’échappa, en sautant griffa, puis regretta. Pour être absous, matou lécha. Chatte ronronna, hissa matou, bisous dans le cou, plus ne bougea. Maté, le matou !

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