Merry-go-round from the pre-covid era, Cambrai, France 2017. In France, the authorities are authorizing the opening of ski stations but are forbidding the use of ski lifts, authorizing the installation of Lille’s giant Ferris wheel but denying access to it, closing restaurants after having imposed expensive Covid-upgrades. The French people, who must now fill out a form when they want to leave home, watch on in horror as this gangrene eats their country of liberties alive : this hyper-administration is drunk on the power that its once sovereign people had afforded it. Between discouragement and insurrection, the hearts of the French sway back and forth, ad nauseam.
En France, les autorités autorisent l’ouverture des stations de ski mais interdisent les remonte-pentes, autorisent l’installation de la grande roue à Lille mais en interdisent l’accès, ferment les restaurants après les avoir obligés à s’équiper à grands frais. Les Français, qui doivent remplir un formulaire pour sortir de chez eux, observent sidérés cette gangrène du pays des libertés : l’hyper-administration devenue ivre d’un pouvoir que le peuple, jadis souverain, lui avait accordé. Entre découragement et insurrection, le cœur des Français balance, jusqu’à la nausée.
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